Minggu, 23 Agustus 2015

Event Wartune R2games [August Events]

[Events] August Events

Announcement end: Aug 29, 2015 5:59 pm

Source : www.aeriagames.com

Login Bonus 8/19/2015 - 8/25/2015 

Sky Trail 8/19/2015 - 8/25/2015 

Increase Your Honor 8/19/2015 - 8/25/2015 

Blessing Wheel Bonanza 8/19/2015 - 8/25/2015 

Login Bonus 8/19/2015 - 8/21/2015 

Sylph Upgrade 8/19/2015 - 8/21/2015 

Sylph Upgrade 8/19/2015 - 8/21/2015 

Sylph Tamer 8/19/2015 - 8/21/2015 

Halidom & Artifact Refinement 8/20/2015 - 8/22/2015 

Mount Refining 8/20/2015 - 8/22/2015 

Mount Refining 8/20/2015 - 8/22/2015 

Sylph Enchant 8/21/2015 - 8/23/2015 

Sylph Enchant 8/21/2015 - 8/23/2015 

Special Tailor 8/22/2015 - 8/24/2015 

Special Tailor 8/22/2015 - 8/24/2015 

Clothing Identification Bounty 8/22/2015 - 8/24/2015 

Holy Forge 8/23/2015 - 8/25/2015 

Holy Forge 8/23/2015 - 8/25/2015 

Equipment Refine 8/23/2015 - 8/25/2015 

Resistance Crystal Synthesizer 8/23/2015 - 8/25/2015 

Online Bonus 8/26/2015 - 9/1/2015 

Astral Hunter 8/26/2015 - 9/1/2015 

Sylph Arena 8/26/2015 - 9/1/2015 

Blessing Wheel 8/26/2015 - 9/1/2015 

Login Bonus 8/26/2015 - 8/28/2015 

Divinity Soul Synthesize 8/26/2015 - 8/28/2015 

Holy Water Sipper 8/26/2015 - 8/28/2015 

Eudaemon Upgrade 8/26/2015 - 8/28/2015 

Eudaemon Leveling 8/26/2015 - 8/28/2015 

Gem Synthesizer 8/27/2015 - 8/29/201 

Gem Synthesizer 8/27/2015 - 8/29/201 

Rune Upgrade 8/28/2015 - 8/30/2015 

Eudaemon Equipment Refinement 8/28/2015 - 8/30/2015 

Sylph Upgrade 8/29/2015 - 8/31/2015 

Sylph Upgrade 8/29/2015 - 8/31/2015 

Sylph Tamer 8/29/2015 - 8/31/2015 

Sylph Enchant 8/30/2015 - 9/1/2015 

Sylph Enchant 8/30/2015 - 9/1/2015 

One Time Goodie Bag 8/30/2015 - 9/1/2015 

Sylph Equipment Enchant 8/31/2015 - 9/1/2015 

Sylph Equipment Enchant 8/31/2015 - 9/1/2015 

Eudaemon Diamond Synthesis 8/31/2015 - 9/1/2015 

Eudaemon Diamond Synthesis 8/31/2015 - 9/1/2015

Source : www.aeriagames.com

Bahan Yang Dibutuhkan Untuk Merge Gaia & Athena Menjadi Loki

Tips Dan Trik Wartune

Halo sahabat wartuner semua, pada post ini saya akan memberitahukan Bahan Yang Dibutuhkan Untuk Merge Gaia & Athena Menjadi Loki.

Bahan yang diperlukan :

1. Shylp Gaia yang sudah KUNING 
2. Shylp Athena yang sudah KUNING
3. Sun Core Sebanyak 500 

4. Blast Of Sun Sebanyak 500

5. Light & Dark Emblem sebanyak 500

6. Balens sebanyak 60.000 

Demikian saja postingan saya tentang Bahan Yang Dibutuhkan Untuk Merge Gaia & Athena Menjadi Loki...

Untuk informasi yang lainnya silahkan sahabat wartuner lihat pada arsip dalam blog ini. Terimakasih

Material needed to merge gaia & athens being loki

Tips And Trick Wartune

Hello friend wartuner all , on this post i would tell the material needed to merge gaia & amp; athens being loki .

Materials required: 
1 .Shylp gaia already yellow 
2 .Shylp athens already yellow 
3 .The sun core as many as 500

4. Blast of sun a total of 500

5. Light dark emblem of a total of 500

6. Balens as many as 60 000

So just post me about the material needed to merge gaia and athens being loki ...

For information that other friends wartuner please look at the archives in this blog .Thank you

Senin, 17 Agustus 2015

Info Tentang Campaign Wartune R2games Terbaru 10 Desember 2014

Sahabat wartuner sekalian pada tanggal 10 desember 2014 baru saja wartune r2games update sesuatu yang terbaru dan tentunya ada juga perubahan - perubahan yang dilakukan pada game ini. Salah satunya yaitu mengenai Campaign atau biasa disebut dengan Solo Dungeon. Pada Campaign kita akan diberikan hadiah yang sangat - sangat bagus untuk pemain free, yaitu Bound Balens. Jumlah yang diberikan juga tidak sedikit loh 

Shop Gratis Wartune R2games

Untuk mendapatkan shop gratis, silahkan sahabat wartuner lihat pada gambar yang di tandai... shop gratis ini tidak selalu ada setiap harinya. jadi, saran saya kepada sahabat wartuner sekalian , rajin - rajinlah untuk selalu melihat shop. hadiah gratis ini hanya dapat diambil satu saja tiap harinya selama masih tersedia.

Demikian saja postingan saya tentang Shop Gratis Wartune R2games...

Untuk informasi yang lainnya silahkan sahabat wartuner lihat pada arsip dalam blog ini. Terimakasih

Shop wartune r2games free

To get free shop , please friend wartuner look at the pictures in mark ... shop free is not always there is every day . So , my advice to all wartuner friend , diligent to always see the shop . A free gift this can only be taken one course every day during still available .

So just post me about free shop wartune r2games ...

For information that other friends wartuner please look at the archives in this blog .Thank you.

Information about to a fishing wartune r2games

Wartuner friend of all , picture above is a gift from fish to fish in our time fishing in the game wartune r2games .To the level of our initial 4 will be given fish in the left except for fish that the prize bounty enhaced scroll , because fish with a gift that only we will find if the level of fishing we have reached the level of 5 . Fish next to the right we will find if the level of fising we have reached the level of 10 to the insignia of , the level of 15 to crypt token , the level of 20 to vip , the level of 25 to faashion its core , the level of 30 to refinement lock ..Wartuner friend to all if there are interested to get a gift that there are over , then fishinglah every day to raise the level of fishing and get a gift -- prize friend wartuner want , ..

Info on campaign wartune r2games latest 10 december 2014

Wartuner all friend on 10 December 2014 just wartune r2games update something and of course there's also the latest changes made on this game. One of them about the Campaign or commonly known with the Solo Dungeon. At the Campaign we will be given a gift that very-very nice for free players, namely Bound Balens. The amount given is also not a few tablets.